McLean County (IL)
From The RadioReference Wiki
Return to McLean County IL database page
- 1 County Government
- 2 Municipalities and Districts
- 2.1 Townships
- 2.2 Anchor
- 2.3 Arrowsmith
- 2.4 Bellflower
- 2.5 Bloomington WEB
- 2.6 Carlock
- 2.7 Chenoa
- 2.8 Colfax
- 2.9 Cooksville
- 2.10 Cropsey
- 2.11 Dale Township (Covell/Shirley)
- 2.12 Danvers
- 2.13 Downs
- 2.14 Ellsworth
- 2.15 Gridley
- 2.16 Heyworth / Randolph Township
- 2.17 Hudson
- 2.18 Le Roy (City)
- 2.19 Lexington
- 2.20 McLean (City)
- 2.21 Normal
- 2.22 Octivia Fire District
- 2.23 Saybrook
- 2.24 Stanford (Village)
- 2.25 Towanda
- 3 EMS Agencies and Hospitals
- 4 Codes, Unit Lists, Pager Tones
- 5 Starcom21 in McLean County
- 6 Schools
- 7 Colleges and Universities
- 8 Related Wiki Pages
- 9 Related Links
County Government
The Metro McLean County Centralized Communications Center (Metcom) is a cooperative venture of the Town of Normal, the County of McLean and ETSB that handles all Police, Fire & EMS calls (emergency & non-emergency) for McLean County. (The City of Bloomington operates a dispatch center for calls within the corporate limits of Bloomington).
- 2 PSAPs, Bloomington Police and McLean County 911 Communication Center
Operates 13 county-wide radio communications networks which support public safety communications for member police and fire agencies. Test page Saturday 10am for Cooksville, Dale Township, Danvers, Downs, Ellsworth, Farmer City, Gridley, Heyworth, Hutson, Leroy, Lexington, McLean, Roanaoke, Saybrook, Stanford, Towanda
Remote Links for paging from 911 to 156.12 Remote Towers - Agencies heard Bloomington Tower - West - 91.5 - McLean County Fire Investigation Team #2, McLean Fire, 3N22 Heyworth EMS, Hudson Fire, 3N60, Downs Tower - South - 82.5 - McLean County Fire Investigation Team #2, Arrowsmith Tower - South East - 67.0 - McLean Co EMA Search Team, McLean County Fire Investigation Team #2, Colfax Ambulance, Colfax Fire, St.... Arrowsmith, Bellflower Fire, Cooksville Fire, Cropsey Fire Lexington Tower (North) - 74.4 - Lexington Fire, McLean County Fire Investigation Team #2, 3N28 EMS
- 854.175R/809.175 with 100 FX1 - Possible Back-up to SC21 (Issued 11/24) WQCX408 License also has 800 MHz Interop frequencies (Repeaters)
- Most Fire/EMS agencies are paged on 156.21 and response/dispatch is on 154.19
McLean County EMS System
- Was 155.22 Base/Mobile - deleted 9/13, add 458.2125 - 8-25W Mobiles (NFM) WNBH314
Outdoor Warning Siren System
- 856.4875 appears to be like an LTR Passport type system, blips every 10 seconds; CW-ID heard; 811.4875 is CSQ data bursts. (52 FX1s, 3-3W mobiles)
METCOM: Law Enforcement
Police dispatched on STARCOM21 TG 30358 by METCOM: Unit #'s = "City" + "#" Chenoa, Colfax, Danvers, Downs, Ellsworth, Gridley, Hudson, Heyworth, Leroy, Lexington (Unit #'s are "LX-#", McLean village (Unit #'s are "MC-#), Stanford, Village of Towanda is patrolled by the Sheriff and Hudson Police. The police frequencies listed for each Village are alternates, former dispatch, or car-car. McLean County Sheriff (covers all other municipalities and unincorporated areas)
453.575/458.575 (PL 103.5) This is a old countywide frequency used in the old days for various county depts ie - coroner, health dept, sheriff dept backup channel etc has now been turned over to our county facility management dept and used by them in the various county buildings here in Bloomington this also used as a countywide disaster channel with our 2 hospitals. it has been renamed sheriff citywide channel.
453.3375 103.5 repeater, still heard in use in downtown area, sounded like Jail, only license still for Bloomington Parks (4/15)
- 453.17500 458.17500 KVC886 BM 103.5 PL McL Old 3 McLean County - Pagers (NO LONGER USED) FM Deprecated
- 458.17500 WNHF321 M 103.5 PL McL Old 4 Law and Justice Center (NO LONGER USED) FM Deprecated
McLean County Emergency Management Agency (EMA)
- 453.675R used by Damage Assessment units after storm ("David-Adam units/unit IDs: 900s) (also used 453.7R)
- 453.8625 156.7 PL - UTAC-3 used as EMA Ops Team Simplex
- 453.575 25W Base; 458.2, 458.575, 458.7 25W 25W FX1s KNJC767 License cancelled by agency 5/24
- 453.575 458.575 KNJC767 RM 103.5 PL McL LJC Maintnce Law and Justice Center: Maintenance [Cancelled 5/24] FMN (Left in system until confirmed not in use)
- 453.575 458.575 KNJC767 RM 103.5 PL McLn County-Wide ESDA (also used by Building Services) [Cancelled 5/24] FMN
McLean County Highway Department
- 151.01R 141.3 still in use (2/13)
MABAS / Mutual Aid Box Alarm System Division 41 WEB FBG
- Division 41 of the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS) is the Technical Rescue Team (TRT) of the Normal Fire Department. The TRT is a highly trained team that responds to incidents such as: confined space rescue, trench rescue, high angle rope rescue, structural collapse rescue, and transportation or industrial accidents.
The TRT is made up of about 25 firefighters from Normal who have completed hundreds of hours of specialized training. They are ready to deploy statewide on short notice.
Technical Rescue Team The Normal Fire Department provides the MABAS Division 41 Technical Rescue Team (TRT). This highly trained team responds for high angle rope rescue, trench rescue, confined space rescue, and structural collapse rescue. The team has responded to incidents in Normal, Bloomington, Heyworth, Ellsworth, Utica and Roanoke. There are approximately 25 Normal firefighters that have attended hundreds of hours of specialized training to become members of this team and must be ready to deploy statewide on a couple of hours notice.
Municipalities and Districts
- 151.13 D051, possible repeater, heard south of Bloomington, possibly roads (11/13)
- Arrowsmith Township: Base/Mobile (NFM) WQRK897
- Chenoa Township: 155.5725 Base with 6-50W /Mobiles (NFM) for roads WSEC596 WQQK344 Expired
- Danvers Township: 155.7 Repeater with 150.805 input (NFM for Highway Maintenance) (123.0 is Douglas County) WQII683
- Lexington Township: 460.4125 Repeater (NFM/NXDN) WQUD941
- Martin Township: 154.71 8-50W (NFM at Colfax) [179.9 PL hit Gibson City 4/23/15] WQQU260
- Randolph Township: 453.3 - 71.9 PL, Repeater? heard in the Le Roy area, north towards Bloomington (10/13)
- Yates Township?: 151.3025 6-50W for Roads and Bridges WQMP631
Anchor Fire/Octavia Fire
Bellflower Fire
Bloomington WEB
Located in the heart of Central Illinois, approximately 125 miles southwest of Chicago, 155 miles northeast of St. Louis, and 64 miles northeast of Springfield, the State Capital. Bloomington is the County Seat of McLean County, the largest county in Illinois (approximately 762,240 acres). Bloomington (pop. 76,610) is a twin City with the Town of Normal (pop. 52,497). Interstates 39, 55 and 74 converge on Bloomington-Normal, as well as US Route 51 and State Route 9
Fire, Police, Water, Permits and Inspections, Public Works, Finance/Tax, Business Licenses, Parks and Recreation, Golf, Performing Arts Center, and Miller Park Zoo
Public Safety Dispatch
- Dispatcher [ Linked-in"
Bloomington Police Department
Bloomington Parks Department
- 453.625 R Prairie Vista Golf Course, 453.3375 R Operations WQHD838
- 453.3375 Repeater?, 100.0 heard in use in area, could not confirm actual use or area of use (7/13)
- 453.3375 Repeater, 131.8, heard just south of BMI (6/14)
- 453.85 Repeater, 77.0, heard in Farmer City (11/14)
Bloomington Township Fire Protection District
- Serves outside the limits of Bloomington City Fire Department
- 458.3875 Mobile Extenders KDD349
- Operated by Bloomington-Normal Public Transit System
Carlock Fire
- Paged/Tone-Out on 156.21, dispatch on STARCOM
- - Mobile Extenders on 453.7875, 453.7875, 457.0375 (NFM) KSO911
Chenoa Police
- 911 documentation shows 859.4875 in use for Radio/MDT (not in database, but is a 'GE' license for Bloomington)
Chenoa Fire
Colfax Police
- Dispatched on STARCOM21
Colfax Fire/Octavia Fire
Cooksville Fire
Cropsey Fire
- Also uses 'EDISPATCH'
Dale Township (Covell/Shirley)
Dale Township Fire Department
- Paged on 156.21, but follow-up dispatch on STARCOM21
- 159.135, 453.2375, 453.05 Mobile Extenders to 154.19 BM (Shirley, Bloomington) EXPIRED 2021 WNJF516
- 159.135 D306 heard in use in Leroy (also tone for Leroy local repeater) (5/13)
- 154.19 Base/Mobile, 154.265 Base/Mobile; 159.165 Repeater with 155.58 input; 453.05/453.2375 2.5wt/173.2875 2W Mobile Extenders (NFM) 2/23 Issue WRWX643
Danvers Police
- Police dispatched by METCOM on STARCOM21 TRS talkgroup 30358 (911 documentation shows 856.7625 and 859.4875)
Danvers Community Fire Protection District
- Mobiles Extenders on 453.5, 458.5, 460.0625, 465.0625 (NFM) {{Callsign|KNIF947))
Downs Community Fire Protection District
- 453.9625 Mobile Extenders (NFM) (current 155.34 mobiles) WQIJ724
Ellsworth Fire
Gridley Fire Protection District
- 151.415 Repeater with 156.0975 (NFM/P25) WQUX442
- 8/24 add 153.925 Mobile Extenders 2W (NFM)
Gridley EMS
- Paged on 156.21, Response on 154.19. Secondary paging on 154.815
Heyworth / Randolph Township
Heyworth Police
- Police dispatched by METCOM on STARCOM21 - Talkgroup 30358 (911 documentation shows 858.4875 with secondary of 155.815/not a valid frequency)
- Fire/EMS provided by
Randolph Township Fire Protection District
- Paged on 156.21, response on 156.21 or STARCOM21
Hudson Police
- Dispatched on STARCOM21 (911 documentation shows 859.4875)
Hudson Fire
Le Roy (City)
- 451.2375 1600 Fixed Temporary for Water Data WRR914
Leroy Police
- Dispatched on STARCOM21 (911 documentation shows 858.4875 with secondary of 154.815)
Leroy Community Fire Protection District
- 154.19 Base/Mobile, Mobile Extenders on 159.27 (NFM) WRBP968
Leroy Ambulance (LEAS) [Web FB
- Serves Leroy, Anchor, Colfax, Cooksville; since 1977; units 3N33, 3N34, 3N39, 3N39 and 3N??
- 155.085 Repeater/153.785 94.8 PL Leroy EMS: Dispatch KSA572 [Expired 2/22] added 173.2875 Mobile Extenders
- 155.085 Repeater with 153.785 input for EMS Dispatch; 173.2875 5-2W mobile extenders (all NFM/P25/NXDN); Issued 12/23 WSAP670
- 453.2875 Repeater (NFM/NXDN) for city ops (new 5/14) WQUD203
Lexington Police
- Dispatched on STARCOM21 (911 documentation shows 860.4875)
Lexington Ambulance Association
- Uses county frequencies for dispatch / ops
Lexington Community Fire Protection District WEB
- also 159.36 Base/Mobile (NFM) (**159.36 apparently never added to license; hit on 141.3 in Heyworth 4/23/15) KAZ439
- 159.36 finally added to the license 2/24
- also Mobile Extenders on 158,.9625 (added 12/21) KAZ439
- 3/25 159.36 60W Repeater with 154.0775 (11-40W) (15-5W) on input KAZ439
McLean (City)
- 153.860 KNFR854 BM CSQ McLean (city) EMA: ESDA [Expired 4/02] FMN Deprecated 5/23/24
McLean (city) Police
- Dispatched on STARCOM21
Mount Hope-Funks Grove Fire Protection District/EMS (McLean)
- Paged on 156.21, response on 154.19 and STARCOM21
Normal Police
- Units Numbers are ### (usually last 3 digits of badge #) "NL1" is Normal Police front-desk radio identifier
- Uses Starcom21 TRS for their primary radio communications since 2/21/06. There is currently no activity on 460.025 or 453.950. NPD Beat Map
- Dispatch and responses on Starcom21 TG 30372. 153.830 (69.3) (911 documentation shows pager frequency of 860.4875)
- Fireground Red is used for fireground communications during responses.
- Unit ID's are in the "10s". Serves 60,000 people with 3 stations and 60 Full-time firefighters.
Normal Public Works
- Maintenance, Public Works, Parks and Rec, Water, and Facilities Management switched from Nextel to Verizon PTT in 2013.
Octivia Fire District
- Serves Cooksville, Colfax, Anchor and Cropsey (also see EMCAA)
Saybrook/Arrowsmith Fire
Stanford (Village)
Stanford Police
- Dispatched on STARCOM21 (911 documentation shows 859.4875 with secondary of 154.815)
- 155.700 WNMF611 BM CSQ Stanford ESDA Stanford ESDA [Expired 8/03] FMN Deprecated from DB 5/23/23
Allin Township Fire/EMS Actual VHF radio layout:
154.7925 | 156.1575 | WQEG510 | RM | 131.8 PL | Stnf Police | Police: Dispatch / ESDA [NEW Repeater 1/06] [F-1] | FMN | Law Dispatch |
154.7925 | WQEG510 | M | 131.8 PL | Stnf PD T/A | PD/ESDA Talk-Around [F-2] | FM | Law Tac | |
154.1900 | M | 173.8 PL | METCOM Fire | {Link to} Fire/EMS: Countywide Dispatch (METCOM) [F-3] | FM | Multi-Dispatch | ||
154.8150 | 159.0300 | RM | 173.8 PL | METC EMS Dsp | EMS: Countywide Dispatch (METCOM) [F-4] | FM | EMS Dispatch | |
154.2350 | M | CSQ | METC FD FG-S | Fireground: South County Rural [F-5] | FM | Fire-Tac | ||
155.0550 | M | CSQ | I-REACH | Statewide Interagency Mutual Aid [F-6] | FM | Interop | ||
154.2650 | WPIV287 | M | 210.7 PL | IFERN | Fire: Statewide Mutual Aid [F-7] | FM | Fire-Talk | |
155.0700 | 158.9700 | WPZQ758 | RM | 131.8 PL | Tazw ESDA-N | {Link to} Tazewell Co ESDA Repeater [F-8] | FM | Emergency Ops |
153.8300 | WPIV287 | M | 69.3 PL | MABAS Red | MABAS Red Fireground [F-9] | FM | Fire-Talk | |
154.2800 | WPIV287 | M | 74.4 PL | MABAS White | MABAS White Fireground [F-10] | FM | Fire-Talk | |
154.2950 | WPIV287 | M | 85.4 PL | MABAS Blue | MABAS Blue Fireground [F-11] | FM | Fire-Talk | |
154.2500 | WPIV287 | M | 186.2 PL | TazC FD 1862 | {Link to} Tazewell County Fire [F-12] | FM | Fire Dispatch | |
154.3100 | WQEV548 | M | 103.5 PL | Arm Fire/Rsq | {Link to} Armington Fire/Rescue [F-13] | FM | Fire Dispatch | |
155.0250 | M | CSQ | ESMARN | EMA: Statewide Highband [F-14] | FM | Emergency Ops | ||
155.3400 | M | 210.7 PL | MERCI-1 2107 | Ambulance-to-Hospital Comms (Statewide Tone) [F-15] | FM | Hospital | ||
156.2100 | KCW420 | M | 94.8 PL | METC 911 PG | METCOM: Countwide Fire/EMS Paging(RX Only) [F-16] | FM | Fire Dispatch | |
153.8075 | WQEG510 | M | Stnf PD C2C1 | Police: Car-to-Car | FMN | Law Tac | ||
153.7925 | WQEG510 | M | Stnf PD C2C2 | Police: Car-to-Car | FMN | Law Tac |
Towanda Fire Protection District
- Unit #'s are in the "60s" and "600s"
- 173.3375 50-5W Mobile Extenders (NFM) WRZR818 Issued 12/23
EMS Agencies and Hospitals
Advocate BroMenn Medical Center
Old info prior to the DMR Cap+ System
- Mobiles on 456.1875, 456.6375, 457.4875, 467.4875 (NFM at Normal) WQPQ747
- 462.75 Base/Pagers (NFM Data) WQQH623
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.825 | 469.825 | WNIJ990 | RM | "CC 1 TG 100 SL 1" | BH SecurityA | Security | DMR | Security |
464.825 | 469.825 | WNIJ990 | BM | "CC 1 TG 101 SL 1" | BH SecurityA | Security alternate | DMR | Security |
464.85 | 469.85 | WPHA211 | RM | "CC 3 TG * SL 2" | BH SecurityB | Security [Slot 2-decodeable] | DMR | Security |
464.025 | 469.025 | WPCA642 | RM | "CC 2 TG 4640251 SL 2" | BH Maint A | Maintenance (Electrical?) | DMR | Business |
461.625 | 466.625 | WPHA211 | RM | "CC 1 TG 4616253 SL 1" | BH Maint B | Maintenance | DMR | Business |
461.625 | 466.625 | WPHA211 | RM | "CC 1 TG 4616252 SL 1" | BH Maint C | Room cleaning / Maintenance | DMR | Business |
461.625 | 466.625 | WPHA211 | RM | "CC 1 TG 4616251 SL 1" | BH Maint D | Maintenance | DMR | Business |
464.025 | 469.025 | WPCA642 | BM | "CC 7 TG * SL *" | BH Ops C | Operations | DMR | Business |
Codes, Unit Lists, Pager Tones
IJIS (pronounced E-jus) - countywide integrated justice information system, a database including information about crimes and criminals in the McLean County area
McLean County EMA Personnel
EM-## (EM-1 is EMA Director, EM-2 is Deputy Director, etc).
101 Lexington
201 Colfax
301 Leroy
401 Village of McLean
1201 Chenoa
1601 Gridley
2401 Cooksville ESDA
3401 Arrowsmith
3701 Downs?
4301 Heyworth
4601 Stanford
5301 Towanda
7401 Hudson
7601 Danvers
Mac 1, Mac 2, Mac 4, Mac 6 are EMA Operations vehicles. Mac Base is the garage which they are based out of.
Bloomington Police Radio ID's
Adam - Patrol Units
Baker - Secondary/Detailed units
Eagle - Emergency Response/SWAT
Frank - Field Training Officers
Ida - Detectives
K9 - Canine
Lincoln - Lieutenant
Paul - Proactive Units
Robert - School Resource Officer
Sam - Sergeants
Tom - Traffic
Victor - Vice
Zebra - ?? unknown specialized units
700s - BPD working for the Parks and Rec
IPS - Intensive Probation Services
Rural Fire Departments Unit IDs
Arrowsmith 180s
Bellflower 160s
Bloomington Twp 50s, 500s
Carlock 110s
Chenoa 80s
Colfax 200s
Dale Twp 140s
Danvers 120s, 1200s
Downs 30s, 300s
Ellsworth 190s
Gridley 90s
Hudson 100s
Lexington 70s
Randolph Twp 40s
Towanda 60s, 600s
Bloomington Fire heard on 154.1600
--Engine 7
--Radar 6?
- 3N33, 3N34, 3N39, 3N39 and 3N?? LeRoy Ambulance
Illinois State University
ISU Radio Codes
106 = ?vehicle unlock
108 - Building checks, unlock building, etc.
110 = Parking tickets, illegally parked vehicle
208 = Meal/break
209 = ?bathroom break
211 - Delivering money from/to bank
ISU PD Terminology
- "check for affiliation" - see if the subject is a University student
McLean Co EMS Units (Three-Nora)
3N11 Clinton Ambulance (DeWitt County) |
3N36 Le Roy |
Starcom21 in McLean County
- The majority of the talkgroups listed for McLean County will always be carried on Site 229 so if you are in range of that site, it's the best one to monitor. On the rural sites listed below, you will usually hear the McLean County Sheriff Dispatch TG, but Normal PD/FD, Bloomington PD, and ISU PD are generally only heard on Site 229
Starcom21 - Site 229 (Normal) frequencies:
Site | Name | Freqs | |||||||
029 (1D) | Normal | 852.875000 | 853.400000c | 853.975000 | 854.287500 | 856.762500 | 857.762500c | 858.762500 | 859.762500 |
Starcom21 - Site 202 (Leroy) frequencies:
Site | Name | Freqs | ||||
002 (2) | Dawson Lake (LeRoy) | 851.350000 | 851.875000c | 854.612500a | 858.937500 | 859.937500 |
Starcom21 - Site 231 (Congerville) frequencies:
Site | Name | Freqs | ||||||
031 (1F) | Congerville | 851.325000 | 851.850000c | 852.900000a | 853.452000 | 854.037500 | 858.237500 | 859.237500 |
Starcom21 - Site 207 (Pontiac) frequencies:
Site | Name | Freqs | |||||||
007 (7) | Pontiac | 851.487500 | 851.962500a | 852.325000c | 852.850000a | 855.712500 | 856.712500 | 857.312500 | 857.712500 |
858.712500 |
McLean County Starcom21 Talkgroups:
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description |
30350 | 768e | D | McL Law Tac-1 | Law Tac-1/Patches |
30351 | 768f | D | McL Law Tac-2 | Law Tac-2/Patches |
30352 | 7690 | D | McL Law Tac-3 | Law Tac-3/Patches |
30353 | 7691 | D | McL Law Tac-4 | Law Tac-4/Patches (Redbird EMS) |
30354 | 7692 | D | McL Law Tac-5 | Law Tac-5/Patches |
30355 | 7693 | D | McL Law Tac-6 | Law Tac-6/Patches |
30356 | 7694 | D | McL Law Common | Law Enforcement: Common |
30358 | 7696 | D | McL Shrf/Rur Law | Sheriff / Rural Municipalities Dispatch |
30359 | 7697 | D | McL Sheriff 3 | Sheriff: Ops (Ch 3) |
30360 | 7698 | D | McL Sheriff 4 | Sheriff: Courthouse Security (Ch 4) |
30361 | 7699 | D | McL Shrf CID | Sheriff: Criminal Investigation Department (CID) |
30362 | 769a | D | McL Shrf c2c 5 | Sheriff: Car-to-Car (Ch 5) |
30365 | 769d | D | METCOM | METCOM Staff/Admin |
30377 | 76a9 | D | McL Juv Det Cntr | Juvenile Detention Center |
Bloomington Schools
Bloomington School District 87
- 10/23 add 200-4W portables on 452.4875, 452.8875, 457.8875 (adding to 464.325 25W Repeater) (DMR/NFM) WPKE365
- 151.775, 151.835, 151.925, 152.885, 152.975 mobiles for School Ops (DMR/NFM)WQKI719
- Junior High School: 451.725 Repeater (NFM, DMR) WQKI719
Trinity Lutheran Schools WEB
- 1102 W Hamilton Road, Bloomington; 462.925 Base/95 pagers, assumed for clocks WRZB539
El Paso-Gridley CUSD #11
- Buses: 461.275 Repeater at El Paso (Woodford) - confirmed as D364, buses? (heard in Hudson) (10/14) and previously noted as D351 WQSD381
Heyworth Junior/Senior High School
- 452.1, 452.625, 452.8 WPRJ738
Leroy Schools
- 156.0825 - 94.8 PL heard in Bloomington (unknown comms 10/14)
Lexington School District 7
- 461.3875 Repeater (NFM) for Transportation WQYH422
McLean County Unit School District 5 (Normal)
- 12,500 students, 23 schools, 180 transportation vehicles (buses), multiple SRO (School Resource Officers), 50 Maintenance personnel, large geographic area.
- Serves the cities of Normal, Carlock, Hudson, Towanda, and areas of Bloomington that are not in the Bloomington PSD 87. Also serves the rural areas around these communities.
- See STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois - Appears that all schools and administration have talkgroups in use.
- 7/23 VHF networks repeaters/portables (NXDN) have now been licensed WRDH249 to replace STARCOM21 Paying $54,000 year for SC21
17 Elementary Schools
- Benjamin Elementary School/Bloomington: 152.3 Repeater with 157.56 input (400-5W portables); 400-5W portables on 157.635 WRDH249
- Carlock Elementary School: 152.285 Repeater with 157.545 input (400-5W portables) WRDH249
- Colene House Elementary (Normal): 464.6625 Repeater (NXDN, NFM) WRDH249
4 Junior High Schools
- George Evans Junior High School-Bloomington - 152.3525 Repeater with 157.6125 input (400-5W portables); 400-5W portables on 152.39, 157.65, 157.665 WRDH249
2 High Schools
- Normal Community High School: 152.3075 Repeater with 157.5675 input; 152.4275 Repeater with 157.6875 input; 400-5W portables on 152.9225, 153.065 DELETE 1-464.6625 40W Repeater
- Normal Community West High School: 152.3225 Repeater with 157.5825 input (400-5W portables); 400-5W portables on 152.3975, 157.6575, 152.3825, 152.285 WRDH249
1 vocational training site
- ???
156 buses approved by the Illinois Department of Transportation
- 155.235 Repeater with 153.74 mobiles 432 DPL School Buses (Ch 1/Ch 2) FMN KNDS656
- Unit 5 Transportation Facility/Normal: 153.6875 Repeater with 158.145 input (400-50W, 20-5W); 152.3375 Repeater with unknown input (not listed on license) WRDH249
Regional Alternative School
- 408 W Washington-Bloomington
- 20-5W portables on 155.0025, 159.0675 (NFM/DMR) [hit on 123,0 near Gibson City 4/23/15) WQUV459
Stanford-Olympia School District
- 451.3, 452.8 Fixed, Remote Links NFM [1]
Olympia School District 16
- Stanford 155.265 Base, 159.3975 Repeater, 151.3825 Repeater
- Danvers, 155.265 Repeater; Atlanta LOGAN: 155.265 Repeater with 159.45 input (NFM) KYT939
Colleges and Universities
Heartland Community College (Normal) WEB FB
- 1500 W Raab Rd; GPS Clock System - 72.4, 72.16,
72.1, 72.34, 72.22, 72.12, 72.3, 72.24, 72.1 WPWV289
Illinois State University
Public Safety
- 10/06 -- Police now using STARCOM21 talkgroups 4025, 4026 (possibly 4027, 4028) (Police can use on NPD TG 30366) ISU PD units are in the "100's" series.
- Not dispatched by METCOM. Post is "Illinois". ISU PD dispatch center now monitors Normal FD and Normal PD on Starcom21 Fire response is from Normal Fire Station #2 604 N Adelaide St.
- Prior to Starcom21, ISU Police used 453.9 103.5 PL
Related Wiki Pages
- Clear Talk (DMR 491)
- Hill Radio LTR (Bloomington)
- Supreme Radio Communications (Bloomington)
- Twin City Communications (Bloomington)
- Supreme Radio Communications (DMR)
- KBMI Central IL Regional Airport
Related Links
- ISU PD - Report Blotter Index
- McLean County EMA - McLean County Emergency Management Agency
- Scanner Audio - McLean County live scanner audio
- Businesses, Railroads, Media, Attractions and Recreation McLean County (IL)
- Bloomington-Normal McLean County (IL)
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